Monday, March 21, 2011

Defend DOMA: Take the Challenge For Marriage

This is a clarion call going out to ALL supporters of traditional and canonical marriage.  As outlined and set forth in the divine constitution of the Holy Bible, the Creator declares that marriage is His design and is to be between one man and one woman only. Furthermore, scripture clearly and fully supports this law known as DOMA, because Section 3 clearly reflects the LORD's divine mandate and law concerning men and women who decide to marry.  Yet, with Obama's recent decision or better yet betrayal concerning DOMA, there are now many challenges that lie ahead.  Nevertheless, we can all still make a difference. 

So I invite you to join us by likewise signing up to take the challenge for marriage and thus support DOMA with either a one time financial gift or a small monthly gift.  Whatever you can do will be greatly appreciated.  For we should all participate and do what we can as servants of the Lord our God to make out voices heard by taking the necessary action to help enable the appropriate officials to continue in the fight to legally enforce this law.  Afterall, we don't need a LEGALIZED Sodom and Gomorrah in America nor the world for that matter.

Defend Marriage and Stop President Obama's Unconstitutional Power Grab

ALL MARRIAGE CHAMPIONS who wish to take the Marriage Challenge and lend their financial support of $1 or more or whatever gift: Visit:

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